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modern market communication 

sales & marketing support

image of a modern company

territorially unlimited range



What We Offer

What We Offer

The presentation 
in the TV style

Professional information material for a website, for meetings with contractors or for conferences.

Argument for

Why say the same thing many times? Order a professional TV-style presentation from us and use it many times. Let the recording earn for you.

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1. Industry Magazine Roman-Cjpg-black.jpg

What We Offer

Professional TV channel
your company.

Based on ready-made solutions, you can have your regular news channel in ours  tv program. You will present in it issues important to customers.

Argument for

The restrictions on the availability of conferences and fairs are forcing  using other forms of promotion. With us, you can start implementing your program right away. You don't focus on technical matters. You prepare the content, enter the studio and record. We do the rest.

What We Offer

The presentation 
in the TV style

Professional information material for a website, for meetings with contractors or for conferences.

Argument for

Why say the same thing many times? Order a professional TV-style presentation from us and use it many times. Let the recording earn for you.

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What We Offer

Training production 

Comprehensive production of audiovisual training courses on any subject with the use of television and multimedia techniques. 

Argument for

Professional form of training influences their effectiveness. Remote training via a laptop or the so-called the "talking head" are becoming a thing of the past. In order to obtain the participant's concentration and the highest efficiency index, one should also take care of the setting and form of the training. We have experience in this.

I support entrepreneurs.

Robert Gonera.

Our "Wspieram Przedsiębiorców" campaign has been joined by the well-known actor Robert Gonera who, subject to his availability, will take part in the presentation of your company.

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What We Offer

Modern film technologies and  television for your company.

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make your marketing better

take advantage of digital communication technologies

As 3D manufacturing becomes more and more accessible, we provide industrial solutions for the entire 3D process, from prototyping to industrial printing.

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Why Choose Printa

Cutting Edge Printers

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you.


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you.

Durable, High Quality Materials

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you.

Experienced Advisor Service

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. Let your users get to know you.

We Keep Top Notch Materials


“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are. "

Lyla Rosen

Chief Product Officer, Mico

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. "

Ben Dersler

Head of Design, DimenXen

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are. "

Ryan Fry

Product Designer, Drolo

The Possibilities Are Endless

Our Clients



  • Czy oferujecie gotowy do pokazania publiczności materiał czy tylko usługę nagrania?
    Oferujemy gotowy do publicznego odtworzenia material telewizyjny. Jeżeli klient sobie życzy, możemy ograniczyć się jedynie do nagrania.
  • Czy macie jakieś próbki, w których można zobaczyć efekt końcowy?"
    Tak, oczywiście. Próbki można zobaczyć w dziale "oferta".
  • Czy mogę wstawiać własne slajdy lub filmy do swojego wystąpienia?
    Tak! Przygotowane przez nas scenografie (do wyboru) przewidują możliwośc wstawiania własnych materiałów podczas nagrania (prezentacje, filmy). Przyklady aktualnych wzorców studia dostępne są w sekcji "oferta".
  • Czy scenografia studia jest fizyczna czy wirtualna?
    Scenografia, na tle której nagrywamy materiał jest w większości wirtualna poza niektórymi elementemi wyposażenia takimi jak meble.
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